"There is one pain i often feel,which you'll never know.It is caused by the absence of you
"Everynight I pray, I'll have you here someday.I'll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might,That when I close my eyes,you"ll be right my side.
I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see.I wish I knew your wishes,so I could give you everything you want.I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do,and together we could make them come true.I wish I knew what makes you happy,so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world.And lastly,I wish I were a cell in your blood,so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart.
Sometime the word left unspoken hurts the most.
You were my favourite mistake.
Sometimes we must be hurt in order 2 grow,we must fail in order 2 know,we must loose in order 2 gain,bcoz sum lessons r best learnt through pain.
Heart has its own reasons of which reason knows nothing.
“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” - Robert McCloskey
"If you really love someone, then distance matters only to the mind... not to the heart.
"please don't cry in my funeral, because i won't be there to hug u.
“Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.
If u wER d tEarz oF ma EYe....i WOulD haV nEvr cRIeD 4 HAviN d fEAr oF loSin u..!!!
WeLl,iF i hAvE To wRiTe AbOuT Me,ItS GoNnA bE So DaMn ToUgHeSt TaSk As WiTh ThIs QuEsTiOn I StIlL gEt lOsT In tHoUgHtS...
HmMmM,La BeLlA ViTa,I lOvE oLd oLd ThInGs...OlD MeMoRiEs,oLd FrEnS(CoZ ThEy WiLl AlWaYs LoVe U WiTh AlL ThEy HaVe AnD WiLl ReMaIn TrUe To U),oLd TiMe,oLd BoOkS,oLd WiNe AnD Ya oLd pEoPlE aNd I tHiNk LoVe Is A HiStOrY To A WoMeN aNd An EpIsOdeE tO MaN's.AnYwaYs ThErE R tHoSe ThInGs ThAt U DoN't ReMbEr ThE VeRy NeXt DaY.I tRy To bElEivE ThAt I ReMeMbEr ThEm AlL....As SiMpLe As It sOuNds,It iS QuItE DiFfIcUlT tO fOrGeT tHiNgS tHaT R bOtHeRsOmE AnD yEt,U fOrGeT tHe tHiNgS U sHoUlD rEmEmBeR...
AnD ThEn M NoT At AlL EmOtIoNaL(CoZ VeRy FeW PeOpLe DeSeRvE ThIs),KeEpIng AwAy PeOpLe iS tHe bEsT tHiNg...
BuT LoVe AlL AnD SeRvE AlL....aNd hAvE gOt a vErY fIrM fAiTh oN gOd cOz hE iS tHeRe fOr Us,In eVeRy tHiNg wE dO...mAy He bLeSs uS aLl AlWaYs...
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